Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Risk Assessment of Work Accident at 31 Rice Mill Centers at Kaway XVI Sub-District, Aceh Barat District PDF
Yolanda Oktaria, Daru Lestantyo, Hanifa Maher Denny
Factors Associated with the Use of the MCH Handbook in Puskesmas (Primary Health Care Centre) Rowosari, Semarang PDF
Atik Mawarni, Atha Rifqia Pradana, Cahya Tri Purnami, Martini Martini, Sri Winarni
Feasibility Study on Audio-Visual Socialization in Increasing Mother's Knowledge about Exclusive Breastfeeding PDF
Marniati Marniati, Itza Mulyani, Sufyan Anwar
The Effectiveness of ‘Salam Lima Jari’ Program in Reducing Work Accidents at an Oil Drilling Company of the West Java Project PDF
Desti Azhari, Hanifa Maher Denny, Yuliani Setyaningsih
Study of Tuberculosis Transmission Prevention Behavion in Pulmonary Tuberulosis Patients in The Working Area of Binamu Community Health Center PDF
Stang Stang, Sumarni Marwang, Muhammad rachmad, Nurul Khasanah Julyanti
Epidemiology of Smoking Behavior in Aceh PDF
Siti Maisyaroh Fitri Siregar, Arfah Husna, Sukma Elida, Enda Silvia Putri, Sufyan Anwar, Lili Eky Nursia, Zata Ismah
Application of Appropriate Technology for Automatic Bird Repellents and Automatic Fish Feed in Minapadi Systems in Beutong Nagan Raya District PDF
Mahendra Mahendra, Muhammad Arif Nasution
Net Living Health and Behaviour is The Dominant Factor Affecting The Incidence of Stunting in Pidie District, Aceh PDF
Ramadhaniah Ramadhaniah, Riski Aulia, Fahrisal Akbar, Teuku Muliadi
Risk Factors For Malnutrition in Toddlers at Manggeng Community Health Center Southwest Aceh District PDF
Zulbaidah Zulbaidah, Ramadhaniah Ramadhaniah, Maidar Maidar
Physical Activity among Adolescents in Urban and Rural Area in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: Exploring the Influence of Environmental Factors PDF
Rezky Aulia Yusuf, Farihah Muhsanah, Syiar Cakke, Alya Dafa Amirah, Sitti Patimah
The Effectiveness of Giving Dried Belimbing Wuluh/ Averhoa blimbi L. (Sunti Aceh) Extract Dose 25 mg/gr of Body Weight on Reducing Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetic Rats PDF
Enda Silvia Putri, Khairunnas Khairunnas, Afriani Maifizar, Sufyan Anwar, Marniati Marniati
Parental Height is Associated With Stunting in Children Aged 6-24 Month PDF
Itza Mulyani, Marniati Marniati, Teuku Muliadi, Cukri Rahma, Afwa Hayuningtyas, Suci Eka Putri
Description of Behavior About Covid-19 in Students High School (SMAN I ) Meureubo Barat Aceh District PDF
Jun Musnadi, Ihsan Murdani, Arif Iskandar
The Prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases in Indonesia and its Relation to Physical Activity PDF
Sufyan Anwar, Khairunnas Khairunnas, Teuku Muliadi
The Effect of Food Consumption Patterns and Food Intake with Stunting Events in The Work Area of Peureumeu PDF
Khairunnas Khairunnas, Sri Mulyani

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p-ISSN 2355-0643
e-ISSN 2355-0988

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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