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Epidemiology of Smoking Behavior in Aceh
Siti Maisyaroh Fitri Siregar, Arfah Husna, Sukma Elida, Enda Silvia Putri, Sufyan Anwar, Lili Eky Nursia, Zata Ismah

Last modified: 2022-03-08


The percentage of smoking according to the results of the National Socio-Economic Survey on the population in Indonesia in 2020 reached 28%, 7 percent of which were under 18 years of age. The national average prevalence of smokers aged 15 years and over is 32.2%, almost 50% of the provinces have prevalence above the average. The Purpose of this research is to identify epidemiology of smoking in Aceh The Method a local representative household rapid survey was undertaken in Aceh in May 2021, the data collection method used snowball sampling, with a sample of 170 people, The Results show that 98.8% of respondents know that smoking is detrimental to health, but 66% of the sample are active smokers. With reasons to join friends (37%) and help concentration (28%). 47% of these smokers spend 1-3 cigarettes and the rest more than 3 cigarettes per day. The condition of smokers chooses smoking behavior in the majority because they feel bored and when they are relaxed / fad but ironically all smoke in places that are at risk of contamination to others, namely in public places (53.6 %), at home (49.1%) and at work ( 20.9%). The conclusion most smokers know the dangers of smoking but still actively smoke in large quantities for psychological reasons such as boredom and fun. The Recommendation, people should be able to apply knowledge with healthy behavior, namely avoiding the dangers of smoking both for themselves and the wider community

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