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The Effectiveness of Giving Dried Belimbing Wuluh/ Averhoa blimbi L. (Sunti Aceh) Extract Dose 25 mg/gr of Body Weight on Reducing Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetic Rats
Enda Silvia Putri, Khairunnas Khairunnas, Afriani Maifizar, Sufyan Anwar, Marniati Marniati

Last modified: 2022-03-09


Introduction Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is still a problem in West Aceh with the prevalence rate always being the second highest of the ten highest non-communicable diseases in the Public Health Center. Unhealthy eating patterns and the lack of local food-based herbal medicines that can control blood sugar levels are one of the risk factors for the high prevalence rate. Based on this, researchers are interested in researching local sunti aceh food as an anti-diabetic. The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of giving sunti aceh extract at a dose of 250 mg/BB g on reducing blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. Experimental research method with pre and post test randomized controlled group design, the experimental animals were 15 rats which were divided into 3 groups, namely group 1 aquadest, group 2 metformin at a dose of 500mg/gr of body weight, group 3 sunti aceh extract (SAE) at a dose of 250mg/gr of bodyweight. All groups were induced with alloxan first until blood sugar levels 200mg/dl. After four weeks of treatment, blood sugar levels were measured at a time, then seen a decrease in blood sugar levels and analyzed data on the average comparison of blood sugar levels using the t-dependent test. The results showed that group 1 did not experience a significant decrease in blood sugar levels between pre and post test at p value> 0.05, while groups 2 and 3 experienced a significant decrease in blood sugar levels between pre and post test at p <0.05. In conclusion, groups 2 and 3 both have a better level of effectiveness than aquadest, but group 2 is more effective than group 3 in terms of decreasing blood sugar levels

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