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The Effect of Food Consumption Patterns and Food Intake with Stunting Events in The Work Area of Peureumeu
Khairunnas Khairunnas, Sri Mulyani

Last modified: 2022-03-16


In the world, Eighty percent (80%) of stunting under-fives are spread across 14 countries and Indonesia is ranked 5th in the country with the largest number of stunting. This is because at that age toddlers are not getting breast milk and are starting to select (choose) the food to eat. Therefore, at this time the role of parents, especially mothers, is very important in providing food for toddlers. Stunting in Acehnese toddlers is ranked 3rd out of 34 provinces in Indonesia with a prevalence of 37.3%, meaning that 1 in 3 children in Aceh is stunted. Meanwhile, the stunting rate for children under two years old (baduta) was ranked 1st out of 34 with a prevalence of 37.9%. This study aims to analyze the effect of food consumption patterns and food intake with the incidence of stunting in the working area of Peureumeu Public Health Center, Kaway XVI District, West Aceh Regency. This type of research is observational with a case-control design. The sample in the case was 15 respondents who experienced stunting and the control sample was 15 respondents who were not stunted. Each case in the subject was matched to a control according to age. Data analysis was performed by chi-square analysis by looking at the Odds Ratio (OR). A total of 30 respondents, the results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between the variables and the incidence of stunting, food consumption pattern variables (p= 0.001 ; OR= 38.5 ; 95% CL= 3.749-395.407) and food intake (p= 0.035; OR= 12.25; 95% CL= 1,268-118,362). It is recommended to all health agencies and mothers who have toddlers to pay more attention to eating patterns and also the food intake obtained by toddlers and make the appearance of food more attractive to attract the attention of toddlers to eat.

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