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Factors Associated with the Use of the MCH Handbook in Puskesmas (Primary Health Care Centre) Rowosari, Semarang
Atik Mawarni, Atha Rifqia Pradana, Cahya Tri Purnami, Martini Martini, Sri Winarni

Last modified: 2022-03-07


Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia launched the maternal and child health (MCH) handbook as information and family records in terms of maternal, infant, and toddler health. Kader (village health volunteers - VHVs) is an indirect target to use MCH handbook. This study aimed to analyze several factors related to the use of MCH handbook by VHVs in Puskesmas (primary health care centre) of Rowosari, Semarang. This is an explanatory study with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 120 VHVs. Data analysis was carried out by analytical descriptive. The knowledge of VHVs related to the MCH handbook was low (40.8%) and the use of MCH handbook was poor (45%), while most of VHVs had supportive attitudes in terms of MCH handbook (84.2%). Multiple linear regression showed that there was a relationship between the length of time being VHVs (p=0.002) and knowledge (p=0.0001) with the use of MCH handbook. VHVs' knowledge in accordance with the contents of the MCH handbook is still necessary to be improved. Puskesmas is recommended to carry out refreshing activities for VHVs who still have a short time in working hours

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