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Application of Appropriate Technology for Automatic Bird Repellents and Automatic Fish Feed in Minapadi Systems in Beutong Nagan Raya District
Mahendra Mahendra, Muhammad Arif Nasution

Last modified: 2022-03-08


The purpose of this research-based service program is to apply the research results of the proposing team's research for community empowerment. The application of the research results was carried out on the program of application of appropriate technology for automatic fish feed and automatic bird repellent on the Minapadi jajar legowo system which is a system of planting rice with fish cultivation in one rice field area simultaneously and the rowing legowo planting system with a spacing of 25 cm. . The technology used is automatic feeding and automatic bird repellent. Automatic feeding is done by using a mini water pump that has been modified with the help of a digital timer so that the feed automatically dispenses the feed at the time we specify, which is 3 times a day. The second technology is automatic bird repellent using extracts of herbal ingredients (jengkol) with the help of an automatic sprayer. This technology aims to increase the income of farmers with high productivity of rice yields and increase local fish production. The activity was carried out for 5 months in Beutong Nagan Raya District. The observed results include rice production and fish production in the Minapadi system. The yield of rice production (ton ha‾¹) is (3.04 ton ha‾¹). While the average weight of fish is (24.25 g). The activity was carried out for 5 months in Beutong Nagan Raya District. The observed results include rice production and fish production in the Minapadi system. The yield of rice production (ton ha‾¹) is (3.04 ton ha‾¹). While the average weight of fish is (24.25 g). The activity was carried out for 5 months in Beutong Nagan Raya District. The observed results include rice production and fish production in the Minapadi system. The yield of rice production (ton ha‾¹) is (3.04 ton ha‾¹). While the average weight of fish is (24.25 g).

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