Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Relationship of Pregnant Women's Knowledge with Nutritional Intake PDF
Dian Fera, Maiza Duana, Danvil Nabela, Azwar Azwar, Ishalyadi Ishalyadi
Correlation Lenght of Hemodialysis with Serum Urea and Serum Creatinine Levels On Chronic Renal Disease Patients In Kupang City PDF
Marni Tangkelangi, Supriati Wila Djami
Delivery Physiological Readiness: The Pregnant Women Knowledge Relationship and Anxiety Level PDF
Gusmadewi Gusmadewi, Maya Fernanda Dielsa, Reflianto Reflianto
Relationship of Students' Knowledge About Skabies With Skabies Prevention Effort in Dayah Istiqamatuddin Babul Mu'arrif Serambi Aceh District Kaway Xvi, Barat Aceh District PDF
Maiza Duana, Nurdin Nurdin, Suci Eka Putri, Safrida Safrida, Sri Gustini
Physical Activity among Adolescents in Urban and Rural Area in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: Exploring the Influence of Environmental Factors PDF
Rezky Aulia Yusuf, Farihah Muhsanah, Syiar Cakke, Alya Dafa Amirah, Sitti Patimah
Analysis of Student Knowledge About The Hazards of Waste To Health in Students Living in The ADB Complex 1 Meureubo District PDF
Susi Sriwahyuni, Darmawan Darmawan
Analysis of Household Waste Water Disposal in The Village of Ujung Tanjung, Meureubo District, Barat Aceh Regency PDF
Darmawan Darmawan, Susi Sriwahyuni

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

p-ISSN 2355-0643
e-ISSN 2355-0988

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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