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Relationship of Pregnant Women's Knowledge with Nutritional Intake
Dian Fera, Maiza Duana, Danvil Nabela, Azwar Azwar, Ishalyadi Ishalyadi

Last modified: 2022-03-08


Knowledge of nutritional intake in pregnant women is knowledge of the relationship between food consumption during pregnancy and maternal health. Good knowledge of pregnant women is expected to choose the intake of foods that contain nutrients that can meet their bodies so that they are good nutrition for pregnant women and fetuses. This study aims to find out the relationship of pregnant women's knowledge with nutritional intake in Johan Pahlawan District of West Aceh Regency. This research method is quantitative research with a crossectional design. The population of this study is pregnant women trisemester I to trisemester III in Johan Pahlawan District of West Aceh Regency as many as 62 people with total sampling technique, so the sample will be studied as many as 62 people. The results of the study can be known that of 23 pregnant women who are well knowledgeable only 1 person who intakes nutrients is not enough, while from 39 pregnant women who are less knowledgeable only 8 people who have enough nutritional intake, showed that there is a strong relationship between the knowledge of pregnant women with adequate nutritional intake (P-value = 0.002 and OR = 71,182). The conclusion of this study the better the knowledge of pregnant women the more meets the adequacy of nutrient intake

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