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Delivery Physiological Readiness: The Pregnant Women Knowledge Relationship and Anxiety Level
Gusmadewi Gusmadewi, Maya Fernanda Dielsa, Reflianto Reflianto

Last modified: 2022-03-08


There are about 107,000 pregnant women who experienced anxiety in facing childbirth in Indonesia in 2019. Pregnant women anxiety can arise, especially in the third trimester, until delivery. The anxiety level of pregnant women will increase, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic with the coronavirus disease outbreak that is relatively easy to spread, for pregnant women need excellent knowledge about their condition. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the anxiety level and pregnant women's knowledge with readiness to face childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Puskesmas Pariaman Selatan. This research method uses observational analytic with a cross-sectional design. The number of samples was 45 third trimester pregnant women according to the inclusion criteria, namely pregnant women in the third trimester, first pregnancy, normal pregnancy, and willing to be respondents. We took the sampling technique with purposive sampling. We analyzed the data using statistical tests. The results showed respondents had severe anxiety with less readiness to give birth, in contrast with high knowledge about pregnancy management during COVID-19 had high readiness to give birth. The results of the statistical analysis test explained that there was a relationship between the knowledge and anxiety level of third-trimester pregnant women and their readiness to give birth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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