Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Study of Tuberculosis Transmission Prevention Behavion in Pulmonary Tuberulosis Patients in The Working Area of Binamu Community Health Center PDF
Stang Stang, Sumarni Marwang, Muhammad rachmad, Nurul Khasanah Julyanti
Factors Associated with The First Antenatal Care Visit (K1) For Pregnant Women in The Working Area of Tanjung Morawa Health Center in 2021 PDF
Herna Rinayanti, Heru Santosa, Juanita Juanita, R Kintoko Rochadi
Analysis of Leverage Employment and Agricultural Product Factors on The Aceh Economy PDF
Sri Handayani, Ivon Jalil, Ishak Hasan, Aswin Nasution
Risk Factors for Hyperthyroidism in the Work Area of the Meureubo Health Center, West Aceh Regency PDF
Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin, Fitriani Fitriani, Yarmaliza Yarmaliza, Teungku Nih Farisni, Fitrah Reynaldi, Ambia nasution, Hasrah Junaidi, Fakrurradhi Luthfi, Firzan Firzan

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p-ISSN 2355-0643
e-ISSN 2355-0988

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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