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Factors Associated with The First Antenatal Care Visit (K1) For Pregnant Women in The Working Area of Tanjung Morawa Health Center in 2021
Herna Rinayanti, Heru Santosa, Juanita Juanita, R Kintoko Rochadi

Last modified: 2022-03-08


The first antenatal care visit conducted in the 1st trimester (K1) to pregnant women at the Tanjung Morawa Health Center in 2019 were still below the expected target of 95%. Based on the preliminary survey conducted, the factors of young age, low education, knowledge and support of health workers who are less suspicious are the causes of low antenatal care visits (K1). This study aims to determine the factors associated with the first antenatal care visit for pregnant women in the Tanjung Morawa Health Center working area in 2021. This research is an analytical observation with a cross sectional approach. The population is all pregnant women who have passed the trimester, which is as many as 153 people. Samples were taken by simple random sampling as many as 73 people. Data collection was obtained by using a questionnaire containing questions. Data analysis was carried out by chi-square statistical test, to see the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable with a degree of significance = 0.05. There is a relationship between knowledge and antenatal care visits in the first trimester of Tanjung Morawa Health Center in 2021 (p=0.000). There is no relationship between age (p=0.704), education (p=0.250), and support from health workers (p=0.953) with antenatal care visits in the first trimester of Tanjung Morawa Health Center in 2021. It is recommended to the health center to increase counseling so that mother's knowledge pregnant women regarding antenatal care is increasing and antenatal care visits can be carried out properly. It is also recommended for pregnant women to seek information about the importance of antenatal visits so that they can increase their knowledge about antenatal care.

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