Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Factors Associated with the Use of the MCH Handbook in Puskesmas (Primary Health Care Centre) Rowosari, Semarang PDF
Atik Mawarni, Atha Rifqia Pradana, Cahya Tri Purnami, Martini Martini, Sri Winarni
Literature Review: Analysis of Protein and Fat in Processed White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) PDF
Icha Khaerunnisa, Sri Winarni, Satriyo Adhi, Choirun Nisa
Systematic Study Literature Review: Climate Change, Mental Health and Mitigation Efforts in Indonesia PDF
Elanda Fikri, Yura Witsqa Firmansyah, Muhammad Fadli Ramadhansyah, Mirza Fathan Fuadi, Intan Sekar Arumdani, Annisa Zolanda, Maurend Yayank Lewinsca, Wahyu Widyantoro, Afdal Hardiyanto
Reduction of Color and Heavy Metals (Pb, Cu) in Hand-drawn Batik Liquid Waste Using Electrolysis PDF
Kiswanto Kiswanto, Wintah Wintah, Feti Fatimatuzzahroh, Nur laila Rahayu
tropod Community Structure in Tritih Cilacap Mangrove Forest in Central Java PDF
Wintah Wintah, Kiswanto Kiswanto, Endah Sulistiyowati

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p-ISSN 2355-0643
e-ISSN 2355-0988

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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