Conference Overview

The 4th International Conference on Public Health 2023 (4th ICPH 2023) takes the pleasure to invite you which will be held on October 26th - 27th, 2023. This year, conference will be held on a hybrid virtual platform, allowing participants to attend either in person or remotely. Aims to bring together research related to public health and medicine in the “In the Face of Turmoil: The Importance of Prioritizing Public Health for A Better World”.

The theme of this conference is particularly relevant given the current global health crisis. COVID-19 has highlighted the critical importance of public health, and this conference provides an excellent opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the field. The conference's interdisciplinary nature is also crucial in addressing public health’s multifaceted challenges. Bringing together researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers from a variety of fields can help identify innovative solutions that can improve public health outcomes.

This year conference provides the interdisciplinary forum for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss the most recent trends and issues about the theme, as well as to offer challenges and solutions within the given scopes. Research articles, literatures reviews, and position papers are welcome. The inclusion of research articles, literature reviews, and position papers at the conference is also significant. These provide an opportunity for participants to share their research findings and engage in robust discussions about the latest trends and issues in public health. It also allows participants to gain valuable insights into the current state of public health research and practice, providing a foundation for collaboration and innovation.


4th International Conference on Public Health 2023
(4th ICPH 2023)

E-ISSN : 2714-7045

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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