International Conference on Social, Politics, and Law (ICOSPAL)

This international conference is titled the International Conference on Social, Politics, and Law (ICOSPAL). This conference is designed to be held regularly in collaboration with Research and Education for Peace Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM) - Universiti Sains Malaysia as well as campuses and other institutions.

FISIP Universitas Teuku Umar continues to promote various scientific activities in the form of seminars, research and community service as the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education. Especially on issues related to peace building in the South West region of Aceh. As a result, it is seen as important to involve diverse organizations such as academics, students, political parties, bureaucracy, community and religious leaders, as well as Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), both local, national, and international. This is regarded as vital and strategic in terms of contributing ideas for sustainable peace efforts in Aceh.

Current Conferences

No conferences are currently active. Please check the archives for past scheduled conferences.

Time and Place

Day/Date         : Tuesday-Wednesday, August 29 – 30, 2023

Time                : 09.00 – 16.00 P.M

Place                : Main Hall of Universitas Teuku Umar



The organizer of the activities of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) – Teuku Umar University (UTU), Meulaboh – Aceh Barat in collaboration with Research and Education for Peace Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM) with the support of various parties according to the provisions and not binding.