Presentations and Authors

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Main Papers

Did You Know, Teuku Umar University is in the Aceh Vegetable Oil Production Center PDF
Aswin Nasution, Fajri Fajri, Abubakar Karim, Romano Romano

General Papers

Analyzing of the use of PPE on the incidence of pesticide poisoning in oil palm farmers in the Kuala Pesisir District of Nagan Raya Regency PDF
Ishalyadi Ishalyadi, Jun Musnadi Is, Arfah Husna, Vivi Karmila
Determinants of Patient Compliance on the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in TBC-RO treatment hospital in Aceh, Indonesia PDF
Khairuman Khairuman, Ida Ida, Asfriyati Asfriyati
Factors Associated with Dermatitis in Farmers in the Work Area of the Pante Ceureumen Health Center in Westh Regency PDF
Khairunnas Khairunnas, Silvia Savira
The Implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness PDF
Marniati Marniati, Enda Silvia Putri, Arfah Husna, Susy Sriwahyuni, Dewi Sartika, Dian Fera, Sukma Elida, Khairunnas Khairunnas, Muhammad Iqbah Fahlevi
Tourist Support for the Smoke-Free Zone Policy in the Sabang City Tourism Areas PDF
Noor Aznidar Aldani, Aida Khairunisa

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

p-ISSN 2355-0643
e-ISSN 2355-0988

Managed by Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
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