Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2019

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The Influnce of Promotion Periodic to Increased Prevention Knowledge through Dietary Habit and Exercise in The Prediabetes Group
Enda Silvia Putri, Arfah Husna

Last modified: 2020-12-14


Prediabetes is a condition that shows the value of blood gular levels when (145-199 mg / dl). The research purpose was to look at the influence promotion periodic to increased prevention knowledge through dietary habit and exercise in the prediabetes group. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design, with a purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 20 people, data analysis uses the t-independent test by looking at the effect of counseling on increasing knowledge before and after the intervention is carried out on the sample. This research was conducted on the prediabetes group in the village of Gampoeng Kampung Belakang, Aceh Barat for three consecutive months. The research results show that there wass an influence of promotion periodic o increased prevention knowledge through diet and exercise in the prediabetes group with a value (P value: 0.001 <α: 0.05), and there are points of increasing value each month with an average value of improvement points being 2
points. The research conclusion was promotion periodic was able to influence to increased knowledge of prediabetes groups that good diet and exercise can prevent diabetes. The Suggestion was promotion periodic were important for people to form knowledge as an initial step in healthy life to prevention diabetes behavior in the prediabetes group


Prediabetes; Diet; Exercise; Counseling

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