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The Effect of Fever on Activity and Vital Signs in Mice (Mus Musculus)
Koekoeh Santoso, Aditya Rahmatullah, Titiek Sunartati, Puji Ahmadi, Agik Suprayogi, Damiana Rita Ekastuti

Last modified: 2022-03-08


Fever is a condition where the body temperature is above normal as a result of an increase in the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. The occurrence of an increase in temperature in animals needs to be measured to ensure the occurrence of fever.  Fever will cause changes vital signs and activity patterns in animals. The changes vital signs that were seen included eye temperature, nose temperature, abdominal temperature, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, and activity patterns which were measured for one minute using optovarimex measuring instrument. This study used 24 mice divided into three groups; normal group, group were given DTP-HB vaccine to trigger fever, and group was given NaCL-fis. Each group consisted eight mice of the same sex. Each group will measure eyes temperature, nose and abdomen using thermal camera, then measure rectal temperature using digital thermometer (control temperature) to ensure increase temperature, then calculate respiratory rate for one minute, and measuring activity patterns using the optovarimex for one minute. The research results show; the application of DTP-HB vaccine had an impact on increasing rectal temperature, thermal camera showed not optimal data, because the object was too small. The increase temperature causes the respiratory frequency in mice increase for dissipate heat. Application of physiological NaCl slightly increased respiratory rate but was not significant when compared to feverish conditions. Measurement activity patterns showed that distance traveled (DT) of the fever mice was very small, mice more silent/rested (RT), this was stark contrast to normal treated mice. The conclusion of this study is fever greatly affects decrease in activity pattern of mice and increases the respiratory frequency

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