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Family Support, Knowledge and Mother Anxiety Facing COVID-19 Pandemic
Gurdani Yogisutanti, Yeusi Kezia Devi, Neti Sitorus

Last modified: 2022-03-08


COVID-19 cases is a very important health problem to pay attention because in addition to causing physical health problems, this disease also causes problems in psychological health in the form of anxiety. Family support also plays a very important role in dealing with mature's anxiety  facing the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the level of knowledge about COVID-19 will also affect the mature's level of anxiety. The goal to be achieved is to determine the relationship between knowledge and family support with maternal anxiety facing the COVID-19 pandemic in RW 13 Desa Lengkong . The research used quantitative research with analytical survey research method using a cross sectional approach. This study used accidental sampling where 70 mature were found as respondents. Data retrieval using a questionnaire with the results using a frequency distribution and Rank Spearman statistical test. The results showed that 34 (81%) respondents who had sufficient knowledge had mild anxiety and the spearman test was found to be 0.02 < 0.05. And it was also found that 40 (83.3%) respondents with good family support turned out to have mild anxiety, the Spearman test was 0.01 < 0.05, meaning that there was a relationship between family support and mature's anxiety facing the COVID-19 Pandemic in RW 13 Desa Lengkong. The suggestion is to organize a health promotion to increas maternal’s knowledge about COVID-19, Family Support and Anxiety.

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