Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Mangrove and Gastropod Composition in Pemalang Mangrove Forest, Central Java Indonesia
Wintah Wintah, Endah Sulistiyowati

Last modified: 2021-03-29


Pemalang mangrove forest is one of the mangrove forests located in Central Java
and suffered damage due to abrasion. Coastal abrasion can affect the composition of
mangroves and gastropods. The research was conducted in the rainy season and aims to analyze the wealth, density, and distribution of gastropods. The sampling technique for mangroves and gastropods was purposive sampling techniques. The richness of gastropada species was found in 10 species of five families. The highest density of gastropod species at station 3 (SA3) was 6.33 ind/m2 followed by station 2 (SA2) at 4.27 ind/m2, and satasiun 1 (SA1) 3.87 ind/m2. The distribution of gastropods in stations 1, 2, and 3 has uniform distribution pattern

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