Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Priorities for Development And Land Suitability Levels Leading Plantation Commodities Areas Outer Islands, Simeulue District – Aceh
Aswin Nasution, Sri Handayani, Bagio Bagio, Syahril Syahril

Last modified: 2020-12-19


The objective of developing plantations is in addition to increasing the productivity of cultivated commodities also as a driver of the regional economy, so that plantation development needs to be adjusted to the supporting factors such as the priority of development to be carried out and the suitability of the land to be used. The analysis result of development priorities and the level of land suitability for leading plantation commodities areas in the outer islands of Simeulue District – Aceh show : (1) Main development priorities: rubber, nutmeg and oil palm in 3 sub-districts, cocoa and cloves in 2 sub-districts; (2) Second development priorities: coconut in 5 sub-districts, cacao and cloves in 3 sub-districts, areca nut, nutmeg, rubber and sago in 2 sub-districts; (3) The third development priority: areca in 4 sub-districts, sago in 2 sub-districts, and coconut in 1 sub-district. Based on the results of the land suitability analysis of the leading plantation commodities, there were no plantation commodities that had land Very Suitable (S1) without limiting factors. In general, plantation commodities are in the actual and potential land suitability classes Sufficiently Suitable (S2) to Not Suitable (N) with permanent limiting factors for water availability (wa), including excessive bulk and number of dry months, also the land readiness factor (lp), including surface rock and rock outcrop

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