Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Patient Consent Regarding Use of Their Medical Resume for Health Information Exchange According to the Minister of Health Regulation number 21/2020
Rano Indradi Sudra, Eni Mahawati

Last modified: 2020-12-19


In the Minister of Health Regulation number 21/2020 concerning the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health for 2020-2024 it is announced that the application of integrated electronic medical records (EMR) reaches 100%. This condition is targeted to be able to support data exchange between hospitals based on medical resumes (health information exchange / HIE). For this need, the patient's consent as the owner of the information in the medical record is required as stated in the Minister of Health Regulation number 269/2008 on Medical Records. This research is normative juridical and aims to identify regulations related directly or indirectly to patient consent for the use or release of information in their medical records, including and especially the use of medical resumes for HIE. The results of this study indicate that there are no regulations that explicitly and clearly regulate patient consent for the use and release of medical record information by hospitals in the form of medical resumes for HIE needs as targeted in Regulation of the Minister of Health number 21/2020. There needs to be a regulation that explicitly and clearly regulates patient consent for the use and release of their medical resume for HIE needs as stated in the Minister of Health Regulation number 21/2020.

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