Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Moringa Oleifera as A Complementary Feeding for Stunting Toddlers
Urwatil Wusqa Abidi, Andi Liliandriani

Last modified: 2020-12-19


Stunting has become one of the major nutritional problems facing the world,
especially in poor and developing countries. Stunting itself is a nutritional status caused by chronic malnutrition, so stunting children under five can be a key indicator of maternal and child health. The specific nutrition intervention efforts for short children under five are focused on the 1,000 First Day of Life (HPK) group. Consuming Moringa Olifera which is a local plant in Polewali Mandar Regency is one of the efforts taken to accelerate the growth and development of toddlers. In the dried leaves of Moringa Olifera found abundant nutritional
substances, such as: 10 times vitamin A than carrots, 0.5 times vitamin C than oranges, 17 times calcium than milk, 15 times potassium than bananas, 25 times the substance. iron versus spinach and 9 times the protein than yogurt. This research is expected to be an alternative for families with stunted children, especially those with low economic status to be able to provide adequate nutritional intake to their toddlers by utilizing local plants / plants, namely Moringa Olifera. This research is a type of research using a Quasi-Experimental design, namely experiments that have treatment, impact measurement, experimental units but do not use random assignments to create comparisons in order to conclude changes caused by treatment. The design used was one group pre test and post test design, namely a study by comparing the nutritional status of children under five before the intervention and after the intervention. The
results showed that the Sig. (2-tailed) both variables equal to 0.000. This value is <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of giving Moringa Olifera powder on body weight and height of toddlers. Because of this, giving Moringa Olifera powder can increase body weight and height in toddlers

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