Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Parents’ Perspectives on Children’s Education through Bourdieu’s Concept
Purwati Purwati, Juliati Juliati, Irma Dewi Isda

Last modified: 2020-12-19


The study focus on parents’ perspectives on children’s education through Bourdieu’s concept. The aim of this study was to find out parents’ perspective on children’s education both male and female through one of Bourdieu’s concept namely modal. The study used descriptive qualititave method. The sample in this study were ten parents taken by purposive sampling technique. From the data got that modal has big effort on parents’ perspective in deciding education for children. Both male and female got the same position in education depend on modal that parents have. Social interaction that build by father or mother in society could be
change viewpoint. The real facts found in society as a references for parents to applied in family. The background of higher education should be support by good social interaction for open mind with the suitable need for children both male and female in education

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