Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2019

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Relationship Between Adolescent Behavior on The Effect Of Use Of Haid Pain Disease In MTsN Blang Balee, Samatiga District, Aceh Barat District
Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin, Yarmaliza Yarmaliza, Aris Winandar, Ambia Nurdin

Last modified: 2020-12-15


Based on data collected by the school obtained as many as 12 female students
(10%) of the number of students always have menstrual pain in each month.
The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between knowledge, attitude and action of young woman of MTsN Blang Balee of Samatiga Sub-district of West Aceh Regency on the effect of using menstrual pain medication. The research method is analytic with Cross Sectional approach. The population in this study as many as 60 students/day was taken by Stratifit Random Sampling of 54 respondents, the research was conducted in February 2015. Data collection using instrument in the form of questionnaires was analyzed by using Chi-Square test. The results of the study found good respondents to the effect of the use of pain reliever pain medication (79.6%). Respondents with good knowledge on the effect of using pain relief medication (64,8%). Respondents with poor attitude to the effect of using pain relief medication as much as (55.6%). Respondents who had good actions on the effect of the use of pain reliever pain relief (64.8%). Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between knowledge toward the behavior of adolescent girls on the effect of using menstrual pain medication in MTsN Blang Balee Samatiga subdistrict, West Aceh regency marked with P-Value=0,04<α(0,05) between attitudes toward the behavior of adolescent girls on the effect of the use of pain reliever medication in MTsN Blang Balee Samatiga District West Aceh regency marked with the value of PValue=0,01<α(0,05), there is correlation between action toward teenage girl behavior on effect the use of pain reliever medication in MTsN Blang Balee Samatiga District, West Aceh regency is indicated by P-Value=0.004<α(0.05). It is suggested to provide information on the effects of menstrual pain medication and information on frequently used drugs and what effect each drug has on its use


Knowledge; Attitude; Action; Effect Uses Menstrual Pain Relief Medications

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