Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2019

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The Correlation Between Consuming Vegetables,Fruits And Seafood With The Level Of Lead In The Blood Of Pregnant Women
Santri Pertiwi, Arif Iskandar, Rahayu Utami

Last modified: 2020-12-15


Lead is heavy metal that can accumulate in the body and lead can cause anemia,
fertility, miscarriage, premature birth, preeclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy used as indicators of current exposure to steady state condition with a threshold value of 5 μg / dL for the pregnant woman.he purpose of this research were to related the habit of consuming vegetables. fruits and seafood to blood lead levels in pregnant woman in the Grinting Village, Bulakamba Sub-district, Brebes District.This research used the observational analytic method with cross-sectional study design approach. The number of samples in this research were 49 pregnant mothers in the Grinting Village, Bulakamba Sub-district, Brebes District, with pregnancy . There is a correlation between lead levels with vegetable eating habits (correlation coefficient r = 0.529 and P value = 0.0001) and seafood eating (correlation coefficient r = 0.541 and P value = 0.0001 and there is a difference in the proportion between lead levels with vegetable consuming habits and seafood consumption habits. The conclusion of this research is the average of lead level exceeds the threshold value. The habit of consuming seafood, high levels of lead in blood pregnant women in the Grinting Village, Bulakamba Sub-district, Brebes District


Blood lead levels; pregnant mothers; Consuming Vegetables; Fruits and Seafood

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