Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2019

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Cardiovascular Health Self-Monitoring using Free IoT Platform for Windows and Android
Ridi Arif, Koekoeh Santoso, Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum, Kudang Boro Seminar, Agik Suprayogi

Last modified: 2020-12-15


Heart disease is the world's highest cause of death. The most common types of heart disease are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and sudden cardiac death. The incidence of heart disease can occur at any age so it is possible to minimize the incidence by conducting regular monitors of cardiac activity. Internet-based monitoring and data acquisition using sensors has widely known as Internet of Things (IoT). Through IoT concept, people can easily
monitor their heart activities using computer or smartphone. In this experiment, we were observed heart rate, rhythm, and cardiac electrical activity. The equipment used in this experiment were heart rate sensors, Arduino microcontrollers, jumper cables, ESP 8266 WiFi modules, ECG AD 8232 module, and laptop. The software used was Arduino IDE, as free IoT Platform, and ThingView (ThingSpeak Viewer) for android. Arduino microcontrollers were programmed using Arduino IDE by uploading the sketch
program to be able to perform data acquisition from pulse heart rate sensors. After the data is successfully retrieved, subsequent data is sent using the ESP8266 module to the server. Test results show the heart's activity data successfully monitored in real time. Cardiac activity data can be used as early detection of abnormalities heart function. Data stored on the server can be used by doctors in conducting diagnosis and therapy so that the medication given will be more precise. The author is a lecturer at IPB University and has background in parasitic animal diseases and also concern in the development of biomedical instrumentation


cardiovascular health; internet of things; thingspeak; arduino

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